The scriptures are full of images which help us understand God’s relationship to us. God is called a Rock, a Fortress, a Parent, and a Shield- just to name a few. A recurring image given in scripture is that of God as Shepherd. The people to whom the scriptures were originally written were very familiar with sheep herding and would have understood several things about God just by this one image:
1. God protects
2. God provides
3. God nourishes
4. God leads & guides
5. God speaks
6. God is near
7. God comforts
8. God defends
Jesus reiterates this truth in John 10:11-17. He says that He is the Good Shepherd- the One who lays down His life for His sheep, the one who knows His sheep, the One who is known by His sheep.
Beloved, our God is a good, good shepherd. As we walk out our lives at the Shepherd’s side, the Shepherd protects us, provides for us, nourishes us, leads and guides us, speaks to us, comforts us, and defends us. Take some time to read Psalm 23 and John 10. Ask the Shepherd to be near you, to lead and protect you. What a wonderful way to begin a new year- close by the Good Shepherd’s side! I want us all to exclaim as the Psalmist David did with confidence and joy, “The Lord is my Shepherd, I lack nothing!” I’m convinced this is the Good Life.