Words are powerful. Just think about it- with words, God created everything that exists. With words, Jesus commanded the lame to walk, demons to run, and even the dead to be raised up! Jesus said that it is by the Word of God we are made clean, that God sent His Word to heal us, and that our lives are sustained by His Word. God isn’t the only one with powerful words, though. Did you know that YOUR words have the ability to bring life or death? Scripture teaches that life and death are in the power of our words! They can be wellsprings of life or weapons of mass destruction.
We have the ability to encourage and build others up with our words. We can make someone’s day, lift their spirit, boost their self confidence, and even speak a word from God to them. We can also tear people down with our words. We can criticize, gossip, slander, judge, demean, and belittle.
How will we use this amazing power we’ve been given? There are lots of references in scripture to the power of words. The book of James is one of my favorites. Read the whole thing – it’s short
Here is another verse that serves as a beautiful prayer over us today:“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, oh Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.” -Psalm 19:14
Pastor Deb