David prayed, “Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me under the shadow of Your wings, from the wicked who oppress me, from my deadly enemies who surround me” (Ps.17:8-9).
David looked for a secret place of security and found a ready refuge in God. “Yea,” cried David, “in the shadow of Your wings I will make my refuge until these calamities have passed by” (Ps. 57:1). These “calamities” were the results of David’s disastrous relationship with King Saul, who had forced David to run for his life and hide in the caves of the rock.
Do you know where to go in the midst of your calamities?
When I received news of my mother’s death one year ago today, my first reaction was to call a friend, summon my wife to comfort me-to enlist support. But I remembered His wings, and ran to Him. Then peace came! It did not minimize the loss I felt and the sorrow, but I realized that he knew the depth of my pain and loss. God knew what I needed even before I asked.
God knows what you’re facing day in, and day out. He sees every tear, every struggle, and every step we take. When we run to him, he will give us cover and shelter in the shadow of his wings-till these calamities be passed.”
Have a blessed week,
Pastor Gina
As many of you know that I work part time as a Travel Agent. A while back someone who was referred to me gave me a call and said he wanted to take his wife on an Alaskan Cruise. He said he had heard the scenery was spectacular but that since he was on a fixed income he had a very strict budget and was concerned about how much the total vacation would cost him. He mentioned to me that he might even bring a jar of peanut butter and a box of crackers with him in lieu of a few meals. At first I was not sure what he meant, but then I realized he did not know one important thing, that ALL of his meals would be included in the price that was paid for on his cruise.
It made me begin to think of how many Christians don’t understand that all of our needs were paid for The Cross. You see, Jesus paid it ALL! God has promised to meet every our every need according to HIS riches and glory, not ours. We will often try to live out of our own resources instead of His. As a Christian, our relationship with the Lord is one of complete unity. Jesus is our life and His Spirit lives in and through us, and because of His sacrifice, we can now stand on this promise in Phil 4:19, that He will supply all of our needs!
Pastor Keith
What is Meditation? How Do I Accomplish It? Why Do I Need It?
Meditation is a pleasant “murmuring” of Scripture to yourself. “….In his law doth he meditate….” Psalm 1: Hagah: to murmur (in pleasure); to ponder.
Meditation is a quiet reflection upon the words of Scripture. “…Thy testimonies are my meditation” Psalm 119:99 Siychah: reflection with deep devotion; to contemplate; thoughtful utterances of Scripture.
Meditation is a musical repetition of God’s Word. “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart…” Ps. 19:14 Higgayown: a musical notation; a murmuring sound.
Meditating is a prayerful reviewing of Scripture. “Meditate upon these things…” I Timothy 4:15 Meletao: to carefully revolve in the mind; to muse upon.
To meditate is to commune with God in the language of His own written Word. And to meditate is to worship God in spirit and in truth.
The words and phrases of Scripture are a storehouse of rich wisdom and insight. God wants us to open these storehouses, enjoy the wealth they contain, and apply them to our lives.
You can easily begin your meditation right now Bring to mind a Scripture that you have previously memorized. (Example – ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” – Matt.4:4) Either silently or aloud, use the Scripture to express to the Lord your mind, will, and emotions; in other words – personalize it. (Example – Lord, I will not live by bread alone, buy by every word that proceeds out of Your mouth!”) Now, repeat it, and every time you do – emphasize a different word.
(Example – “I (man/woman) shall not live by bread alone…..”
“I shall not live by bread alone….”
“I shall not live by bread alone….”)
Now try visualizing and applying each word as it relates to your life. (Example – “Man shall not….” A final decree. No one will change it. A firm negative. “Man shall not live…..” Living is more than just existing. There is a physical life and spiritual life. God made us to enjoy the pleasures of life in His presence. He made life. God is life. He is my life.)
Got it? Now work on the same Scripture and repeat the process until the Scripture is engrafted into your soul. In this way the Scripture will become so closely associated with your thinking, your emotions, and your will, that it will actually become a part of you. You will find yourself enjoying life more and you will be much more content.
Pastor Sherry
I am sure you recognize the song lyrics of our very own Pastor Deb above. I’ve been singing this song over and over these last two weeks. They have brought me so much comfort in times of great difficulty. The Lord never said serving Him would come without difficulty, as a matter of fact He said quite the opposite. As we have been reading in home groups on Wednesday nights, following Him cost some things. While our salvation is free for the taking (as He paid the debt), following him will cost something. Maybe its pride, maybe its comfort, maybe its relationships, the disciples knew better than anyone that following him would cost them everything. When they were baptized and outwardly expressed that they were His followers, it cost them jobs, family, social status, religion, and eventually their earthly life. Yet they knew that whatever the cost was, it was minuscule compared to their relationship in Jesus.
That sounds like a depressing thing to hear! Following Him will be costly? If we feel that way, it’s because we are not looking at it through His eyes. You see, as always the Lord knows what is best for us. He knows what brings life to our spirits and joy to our soul. He knows what makes us fruitful and what helps us grow in His likeness. He knows that trusting him through difficult situations grows our faith. He knows that praying for the person that hurt us instead of retaliating or harboring hurt and pain will strengthen us and heal us. He knows that giving when we really want to get, will stretch us. He knows that being joyful and spreading joy, when we really want to complain will keep us focused on Him. See, it may cost some complaining, it may cost some repentance, some humility, some forgiveness, but OH IS IT WORTH IT!
It is hard for us sometimes, and I say that from plenty of experience. It is hard because even though we read the promises in His Word, we still look for satisfaction in the world. We want our freedom and the world too! But the problem with that thinking is, it’s a contradiction. We do not get our freedom from the things the world offers to satisfy us. Jobs, money, homes, cars, friends, relationships, children, education, and even our own health, these things are wonderful things, but if we don’t find our fulfillment and satisfaction in Jesus, we will never get our fill. He is the only one that truly satisfies. Everything else is temporal and changes with the wind. If our satisfaction rest on those things, then we can rest assured we will find ourselves longing forever for more and more of it. But real satisfaction in Jesus is sure and steady. It is unwavering and dependable. It is a solid foundation and one we can trust fully in. When I find myself beyond frustrated, feeling helpless, and at the end of my rope, I realize often it is because I am seeking satisfaction in something that could never possibly give it to me. When I shift my eyes to the One who can, it changes everything. There are several scriptures that have come to mind as I have prayed and meditated on His Satisfaction. Read them and think about what it means to find real and lasting satisfaction in Christ alone.
More than one hundred years ago the atheist philosopher Nietzsche reproached a group of Christians: “Yuck, you make me sick!” When their spokesman asked why, he answered, “Because you redeemed don’t look like you’re redeemed. You’re as fearful, guilt-ridden, anxious, confused, and adrift in an alien environment as I am. I’m allowed. I don’t believe. I have nothing to hope for. But you people claim you have a Savior. Why don’t you look like you are saved?”