Strange Faith
Got Success?
Is there something that you are reaching for, trying hard to get, that would make you feel successful? A promotion at work? A partner? A college degree? A bigger house?
I want to encourage you that while nothing is intrinsically wrong with any of those things, not a single one of them signifies success in God’s kingdom. In fact, it’s often the people with the least concern for these things that we find most successful on God’s terms.
While society defines success as having an education, a upward-moving career, a house, a spouse, etc. we find a very different assortment of expectations expressed in scriptures. A few come to mind that I would like to share with you, but I encourage you to find others – instances in scripture where God expresses the good results of life on God’s terms and the qualities needed to participate in God’s kingdom. To name a few:
-Thankfulness (1 Thessalonians 5)
-Justice, compassionate mercy & humility (Micah 6)
-Concern for the lonely and broken (James 1)
-Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness (Galatians 5)
Beloved, fellow kingdom dwellers and house of God builders – THESE are our benchmarks for success. These are the achievements we should strive for. These will endure not only in this life but in all that is to come! Patience and love and thankfulness and justice will endure when the college degrees, fancy cars, and powerful careers are long gone.
And so I ask you again, are you successful? Do you know someone who is? Let’s encourage each other in these achievements, nurturing God’s work in each other. It’s a beautiful, glorious work and I think we are super blessed to see it unfold within our community!
Be Peculiar…
If we allow ourselves to become blended in such a way that we are unable to share the Gospel or proclaim the good news. If we sacrifice our values to fit in and lose our identity in him, what good are we? God calls us to be a peculiar people, a people who others can identify as His. A people that the unsaved will look at with wonder, asking themselves what makes us so different, so unique, and so special.
That “P” Word
This Year – Be Set Free
All are a part!
God Works Through Our Obedience
The Good Shepherd
The scriptures are full of images which help us understand God’s relationship to us. God is called a Rock, a Fortress, a Parent, and a Shield- just to name a few. A recurring image given in scripture is that of God as Shepherd. The people to whom the scriptures were originally written were very familiar with sheep herding and would have understood several things about God just by this one image:
1. God protects
2. God provides
3. God nourishes
4. God leads & guides
5. God speaks
6. God is near
7. God comforts
8. God defends
Jesus reiterates this truth in John 10:11-17. He says that He is the Good Shepherd- the One who lays down His life for His sheep, the one who knows His sheep, the One who is known by His sheep.
Beloved, our God is a good, good shepherd. As we walk out our lives at the Shepherd’s side, the Shepherd protects us, provides for us, nourishes us, leads and guides us, speaks to us, comforts us, and defends us. Take some time to read Psalm 23 and John 10. Ask the Shepherd to be near you, to lead and protect you. What a wonderful way to begin a new year- close by the Good Shepherd’s side! I want us all to exclaim as the Psalmist David did with confidence and joy, “The Lord is my Shepherd, I lack nothing!” I’m convinced this is the Good Life.