Healthy Lifestyle

Did you know that God desires for us to be healthy? The Bible says that God wants us to prosper and be in good health even as our soul prospers. Science has discovered that worry, stress, fear and anxiety can cause a multitude of physical ailments. Just as God is a triune being (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) we are also triune beings (spirit, soul and body).  All three parts are interconnected. One of the tools that Satan uses against us to cause sickness in both our spirit and body is bitterness. It is one of the most destructive sins that we can fall into. Bitterness stems from feelings of failure, broken relationships, or shattered expectations and takes root in the heart as a result of hurt.   Hebrews 12:15 says, “Watch out that no poisonous root of bitterness grows up to trouble or corrupt you hurt. Satan takes that hurt and then manipulates it into thoughts and actions of bitterness. We begin to lash out at others, and we often even lash out at God. We find fault in everything and everyone around us. We blame others and harden our hearts.  Holding onto bitterness is like drinking poison and expecting the person you are angry with die. It is clear that The Bible tells us not to harbor bitterness, and that it is destructive to our being. 

So what is the key to overcoming bitterness? The answer is clearly in The Bible. In Exodus 15, the children of Israel had come to a place in the wilderness where they were in desperate need of water. They had been traveling in the dessert and came to a place where there was water. However, the water was “bitter” and the people could not drink it. The even named the place “Marah” which means “place of bitterness”.  The Bible says that Moses cried out to the LORD, and the LORD showed him a tree and that when Moses cast the tree into the waters, the waters were made sweet.” You see that tree was a picture of The Cross. So therefore The Cross is what will transform bitter water into sweet water. To gain victory over bitterness, we need to go to the cross!  The cross represents three things:
1) Self Denial. You need to realize that you have no rights of your own. You must be willing to forfeit the right to condemn or take vengeance on those who have hurt you.

(2) Forgiveness. This is an act of your will. Forgiveness involves both attitude and action. If you find it difficult to feel forgiving toward someone who has hurt you, try responding with kind actions. If appropriate, tell this person that you would like to heal your relationship. Many times you will discover that right actions lead to right feelings.

(3) Forgetting. We often cannot really forgive unless we can forget. This is where the power of The Cross comes in. We need to ask God for the grace to forget the bitterness of disappointments. The quicker we learn to do this the less the root of bitterness takes place in our heart and soul. So start practicing these steps right away so that you can triumph over the waters of Marah, overcoming bitterness in your life.

Pastor Keith